Training & Educational Process

Our in-house training program ensures every Hurland Service Specialist gets in-depth training and mentoring sessions.

Hurland Services training programs are designed to increase skill levels and knowledge, improve productivity, deliver successful results, and retain key employees.

Our training is designed for maximum transfer of skills to our staff. They emerge with useful knowledge and tools and a keen appreciation of their value to the teams performance.

The Hurland Services’ approach to training utilizes three basic techniques allowing greater learning retention.

  • Explain –  and communicate the information
  • Show –  by providing real examples of the work and scenarios
  • Do –  employees get the opportunity to practice what they are learning under supervision

“I hear and I forget.  I see and I remember.  I do and I understand”  

                           – Confucius

Land Administration Training

Hurland Services encourages their Land Administration Team to continue educating themselves to stay current in this continually advancing industry and to uphold the highest standards of service. The Administration Team takes part in regular meetings to discuss any changes in the industry or make any changes to our processes to maintain efficiency and accuracy.

We take pride in promoting within our company and providing educational assistance, therefore enabling hands-on training that is so important to developing the skills it takes to be a first-rate Land Administrator.

Continuing Education

Hurland Services recognizes the value of professional development and personal growth for its Administration Team and financially supports continuing Education in many various venues.

Land Agent Training

Hurland Services supports the Olds College, Land Agent Land Acquisition Diploma program, and has enrolled numerous employees into the program allowing them to receive their College education while working, and learning the office administration and field services aspect of surface land acquisition and public consultation in a first-hand, practical manner. Upon graduation they receive hands on mentoring by working directly under the supervision and guidance of numerous senior land agents allowing them to develop their own skill sets.

This philosophy ensures that our staff maintains high standards of conduct, professionalism and ethics, and ensures our clients are provided with experienced, quality controlled, cost effective, and timely realization of project goals and objectives

Continuing Education

Hurland Services recognizes that field and Regulatory issues are ever-changing, and employs an ongoing Industry related continuing education program while enrolling their Land Agents in continuing education courses.